Thoughts of Jaume Donjo Rovira, Hotel Camiral & Lavida at PGA Catalunya Resort, Girona
In a series of conversations with our Generals Managers around the Globe we hear from Hotel Camiral & Lavida at PGA Catalunya Resort, Girona, Spain and the words and thoughts of Jaume Donjo Rovira, General Manager. We wanted not just to understand his current situation and strategy but explore the human narrative, which we believe makes far more compelling reading!
How are you and your own family at this time?
- We are all safe and sound, carrying on our duties remotely from our place in lovely Girona. Twice a week I’m on Duty at PGA Catalunya Resort, as you know we have almost 50 families living in our Real Estate Developments and we are doing all we can to make this lockdown the most pleasant possible for them. For instance we created an online food delivery service with our Pure Market outlet (a deli shop open all year round at the Resort as you know). We are serving competitive local and organic products to our residents which are being a great success. Besides, spring is here and long days and the beautiful Mediterranean Sun are a great add on.
What has been the biggest challenge you have faced during this time?
- Over 80% of Resort staff is in furlough since the 14th of March when Spanish Gov declared the State of Alarm due to covid19. Seeing our facilities with no staff and almost with no guests in the following days was something exceptional I never lived in my career, as for many of my GM colleagues this made us realise even more how key our teams and guests are. It’s all about them .
How are the extended family i.e. your employee’s?
- Our 350 colleagues are well and safe with no Covid cases at all. Everybody has been extremely professional and dedicated in these exceptional times. I keep daily contact and interaction with my Heads of Department as well as I carry on with our weekly Leadership Meeting including all Managers and Supervisors to keep everyone in the loop. This is a voluntary gathering and it’s full room (virtual) since day 1. We brainstorm and discuss projects we are working on to be ready in the new normal reality ahead. We do as well share our thoughts, doubts and worries and say often how much miss each other 😉
What are your personal coping mechanisms during Isolation?
- Quality time with my wife and son (and virtual homework!) getting ready for our reopening and cooking even more than usual healthy Catalan and Mediterranean cuisine keeps my days going.
What is you hope for the future given what we are all experiencing at the moment?
- These are exceptional times, for all of us. We are investing time in defining what will work best when we will open again. There are always opportunities when facing challenge.
Is there anything you, staff member or Hotel doing at the moment?
- We are donating all food and supplies we can to Local NGO’s and exploring as well other opportunities to be developed to support the local community.
If you had one message for the UK market what would that be? ………
- We will welcome you again.
More stories to follow ………